Sunday, December 10, 2006

We Sin and G-d Punishes Himself?

Words have meaning! Every time that we say G-d died for our sins, what were really saying is:

G-d became man-so that He (G-d)-could offer Himself (G-d)-to Himself (G-d)-as a sin offering-so that He (G-d)-can forgive the sins-that we commit against Him (G-d)!

In other words, we sin and G-d punishes Himself. Talk about lack of personal accountability!

How did we go from total personal accountability as written in the original Old Testament as authored, in part, by G-d Himself, to G-d punishing Himself for our sins.When G-d spoke to Moses on the mountain, as witnessed by the entire Jewish nation, He gave Moses "The Law" which is based on total personal accountability, no where in G-d' actual spoken or written Law did G-d mention dying for our sins. To prove this when Moses came down from the mountain and the people had sinned and made an idol of gold, did G-d punish Himself or were thousands killed for their sins?

Yes, judging by our beliefs, words have meanings, unless they were spoken and written by G-d Himself!

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